
Designing, constructing, and equipping the branch of Adriatic Bank in Budva

Equipping a business space is an important step in creating a work environment that inspires and motivates employees to be productive and efficient. When it comes to furnishing bank branches, it is especially important that the furniture fits into the bank’s standard and appearance. This was precisely the case with the design, construction, and equipping […]

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Implementation of works and furnishing of the branch of Zapad Bank in Kotor

Furnishing of business premises is a key step in creating a productive work environment. When it comes to banks, neat and modernly equipped spaces are especially important for customer satisfaction and successful business activities. One example of a successful realization of this process is the implementation of works and furnishing of the branch of Zapad […]

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Carrying out works and furnishing branches of Adriatic Bank in Porto Montenegro

Furnishing offices is essential for any company, so collaborating with a professional and reliable partner is crucial. That’s exactly what Adriatic Bank did when it decided to furnish its branch in Porto Montenegro. During Q2 and Q3 2022, Adriatic Bank collaborated with our partner company Underpin on renovation and construction works. To ensure that the […]

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Equipping the business premises of Sales office Adriatic Marinas in Porto Montenegro

Office+ is proud to have been selected to equip the business premises of Sales office Adriatic Marinas in Porto Montenegro, and the project was successfully completed in Q2 2023. Our team successfully delivered and installed office furniture for the sales area, pedestals for the models of the Porto Montenegro settlement, as well as furniture for […]

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Projektovanje, izvođenje i opremanje filijale Adriatic banke u Budvi

Opremanje poslovnog prostora predstavlja važan korak u stvaranju radnog okruženja koje inspiriše i motiviše zaposlene da budu produktivni i efikasni. Kada je u pitanju opremanje filijala banaka, naročito je važno da se namještaj uklopi u standard i izgled banke. Upravo je to bio slučaj sa projektovanjem, izvođenjem i opremanjem Filijale Adriatic banke u Budvi, koje […]

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Opremanje poslovnog prostora Sales office Adriatic Marinas u Porto Montenegru

Kompanija Office+ se ponosi što je bila odabrana za opremanje poslovnog prostora Sales office Adriatic Marinas u Porto Montenegru, a projekat je uspješno realizovan u periodu Q2 2023. Naša ekipa je uspješno isporučila i montirala kancelarijski namještaj za prodajni dio, postamente za makete naselja Porto Montenegro, kao i namještaj za salu za sastanke. Kao kompanija […]

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Execution of works and equipping of business premises for Infinity ITTS and Energy company in Podgorica

The Montenegrin company, Infinity ITTS and Energy, found a partner in the company Office+ for high-quality office furniture. At the end of 2021, Office+ successfully executed the project of equipping the business premises of this company, in collaboration with our partner company, Underpin, which was responsible for the works execution phase. Office+ was responsible for […]

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